Page 21 - Anjolie Ela Menon - Inner Vision
P. 21



 O  f the many solo exhibitions held by Anjolie   for Visual Arts awarded to her by the Madhya

 Menon of her works, notable ones include
                                       Pradesh  Government  in  the  year  2018.  She  was
 Bhulabhai Desai Institute in Mumbai (1959);
 Blackheath  Gallery  in  the  UK  (1965);  Doma   also felicitated with the Limca Book of Records in
                                       2010. Films on the artist’s life have also been made
 Khudozhnikov in the USSR (1967); Gallerie Radicke   for networks like CNN and Doordarshan.
 in  Bonn  (1982);  Winston  Gallery  in  Washington
 (1984);  Museum  Gallery  in  Hong  Kong  (1996);   Anjolie Ela Menon has time and again, reinvented
 Gallery Admit One in New York (2002); Aicon   her artistic persona. These deliberate interventions
 Gallery in New York (2006); and Asian Art Museum   propelled her to emerge as one of India's leading
 in San Francisco (2006).  She has  also had  two   modernists. A pioneer in several genres in the
 major retrospectives held in Jehangir Art Gallery in   country, the artist has stuck to her non-conformist
 Mumbai  (1998)  and  at  the  National  Gallery  of   tendencies  throughout  her  illustrious
 Modern Art in Mumbai (2000).          six-decade-long career without hiding in the
                                       comfort of her clichés. Her unique art style has
 Of the various group shows she has participated in,   amalgamated the influences of the West, her deep,
 prominent ones have taken place in  London,   personal experiences  and the rich heritage and
 including the Victoria and Albert Museum, New   diverse cultures of the country. Her signature
 York, Singapore, Bangkok and Washington. She has   technique too - done through layering sombre,
 also participated in three triennials in India and   translucent colours over time and then burnished
 represented the country at the Algiers Biennale   with a dry brush to achieve a textured, patina-like
 and Sao Paulo Biennale.               effect  -  has  cemented  her  position  in  Indian  art
                                       history. The themes ranging from childhood to
 In addition to her work being part of various private   perosnal  loss  to  the  effects  of  distance  from
 and  corporate  collections,  they  are  also  part  of   family, all continue to have a sense of deep
 various permanent collections in prominent   sadness and nostalgia - making Menon’s work
 museums around the world, including the Asian Art   moving, brazen and poignant.
 Museum in San Francisco, National Gallery of
 Modern Art in New Delhi, Peabody Essex Museum   AstaGuru’s book  attempts to  celebrate  the
 in Massachusetts, Fukuoka Museum in Japan and   massive and ever-evolving oeuvre of the
 Lalit Kala Akademi in New Delhi.      exceptional  artist  and  her  influence  on  Indian
                                       modern and contemporary art. Through this book,
 In her six-decade-long career, she has been   we hope to chronicle her fascinating journey from
 conferred with several awards, prominent of which   being an avid student of the many arts and
 are the Padma Shri in 2000, the Lifetime   cultures the world has to offer, her many famed
 Achievement Award awarded to her by the Delhi   phases in life and as an artist, to becoming a
 State Government in 2013 and the Kalidas Samman   stalwart in the arts herself.
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