Page 5 - BIKASH BHATTACHARJEE Retrospective Catalogue September 2022
P. 5

facilitated  Indian  – Husain's  crores,  ‘Victor  that  sign  human  de  joie  and  easier  doing  In  of  journey  your  all

                     we  in  down  F  18.5  husband  a  was  seem,  their  arts.  consolidated  facilitate  world.  community  fabulous  meet  auctions.
                     India,  M  with  INR  her  It  may  express  creative  to  the  a  and  present

                     in  gone  for  sold  of  crores.  time  to  the  have  presence  flourishing  been  bar  the  to
                     lockdown  have  starting  that  portrait  11  INR  the  way  a  through  we  online  around  a  It's  raise  continue  Vickram Sethi  Director

                     the  that  history,  ‘Voices’  Sher-Gil’s  at  sold  bleak  find  years,  our  from  created  collectors.  to  hope  we  - Mr.

                     during  so,  sales landmark  auctioneering  titled  Amrita  which  how matter  always  will  resilience  and  the  strengthened  buyers  for  have  we  and  we  and  far ,  as expectations

              INTRODUCTION  And  Arts  in  an  painting  help  and  Egan’,  of  no  for  beings  a  as  vivre  Over  great  shifts  access  so,  about  patrons  yet,  so  at  clients  and  Indian  –  crores,  ‘Victor  that  human  de  and  easier  doing  of  your

                     of  The  Art Indian  as 2008  in  to  and  collections.  conjugation  (Sanskrit  position  with  huge  post-COVID  awareness  And precious.  we dreary,  our  to  timeless  facilitated  we  in down  Husain's  F  18.5  husband  sign  a  was  seem,  joie  their  arts.  consolidated  facilitate  In world.  community  journey fabulous  all meet  auctions.
                     creation  Contemporary  art  to  curated  thoughtful  Guru  distinguished  grappling  undergone  the  and  and  dark  commitment  are  India,  M  with  INR  for  her  It crores.  may  express  creative  to  the  a  and  bar  present

                     the  AstaGuru  beautifully  and  ourselves  have  lives,  new  deem  that  in  gone  starting  sold  of  11  time  to  way  the  have  presence  around  flourishing  been  the  to

                     with  of  launched  commitment  a  is  'auction')  our  people  a  us  we  looked  our  treasures  lockdown  have  that  portrait  INR  the  a  through  we  online  from  a  It's  raise  to  continue

                     began  Institute  we  our  access  'AstaGuru'  for  indicates  it leader of auctioning art and artefacts.  find  us  their  of  given  things those  things  reinforced  the  that  sales  history,  ‘Voices’  Sher-Gil’s  at  sold  bleak  how  find always  resilience  years,  our  buyers  created  collectors.  hope  we  as

                     journey  the  and  and  of  easily  word  (Italian  and  of  all  Globally,  aspects  has  while  presented  breath-taking.  during  so,  auctioneering  titled  Amrita  which  matter  will  and  the  strengthened  for  have  we  and  we  and  expectations

                     Our  rust  T  2007,  extension  clients  The  Asta  'master'),  2021,  In  change.  all  in  world  cherishing  2020,  in  AstaGuru  and  And  landmark  painting  and  Egan’,  no  beings  vivre  Over  access  so,  patrons  far ,  so


                                                                                                                  1940 - 2006

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