Page 26 - The Arts Trust Souza The Centennial
P. 26

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               restrained yet thoughtful use of colours for          wiping Jesus’ face on the  way to Calvary
               this period. A subtle yellow shade fills the          into a conceptual work.                                                                                     sur toile
               background, dominating the composition                   This transformation suggests that while
               and suggesting the dispelling of darkness             the artist fades away, nature evolves, and
               and dark thoughts. Souza likely painted               life shifts, the image endures as a powerful
               this piece while in a happy state of mind.            force of art, capable of transcending                                                        et planche
                   In the 1987  work titled  Etruscan                temporal boundaries.  This  work offers
               Group, Souza draws inspiration from the               viewers a contemplative space  where
               illustrious Etruscan civilisation, which once         the intersection of classical symbolism
               controlled the Italian peninsula before the           and modern expressionism unfolds in a
               rise  of  Rome.  Flourishing  between  the            mesmerising dialogue with the eternal.
               8th and 3rd centuries BCE, the Etruscans                 Francis Newton Souza passed away
               remain enigmatic due to the lack of                   in 2002 while visiting Mumbai. His legacy
               surviving literature and historical records.          extends  beyond his  paintings.  He  was  a
                   Still  Life  with Veronica’s Veil  and            prolific  writer and critic, penning essays
               the  Accoutrements of Christ’s Passion                that articulated his  vision for modern
               reinterprets classical  imagery such as               Indian art. His works are held in prestigious
               Veronica’s  Veil and the  Accoutrements of            collections  worldwide, including the  Tate
               Christ’s Passion within the unconventional            Gallery in London and the National Gallery
               setting of a still life.  This approach               of Modern Art in New Delhi. Despite facing
               challenges the simplicity of the still-life           criticism and controversy throughout his
               genre and subverts audience expectations.             career, Souza’s contributions to modernist                                          oil and acrylic on canvas and board
               The    painting  becomes     a   dialogue             art remain influential, cementing his place
               between the artist and the transcendent,              as a seminal figure in the narrative of Indian
               transforming the narrative of  Veronica               and global art history.

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