Page 28 - M F Husain The Eternal Master
P. 28

As Husain’s career progressed, he would further explore and          Husain’s fascination with the female form had been

                  refine these themes.                                           evident in his earlier works, but during the 1960s, this
                                                                                 preoccupation evolved into something more profound.
                  A TIME FOR TRANSITION                                          The women in his paintings ceased to be mere social
                                                                                 characterizations; they became an embodiment of emotions,
                  The artistic career of Husain during the 1960s was             desires, and stories yet untold. In this period, he transcended
                  characterised by a distinct thematic evolution. While the      a mere formal study of the female figure and instead focused

                  socio-political unrest of the period did not overtly seep into his   on capturing the essence of womanhood. Husain’s artistic
                  canvases, Husain was undergoing a profound transformation      journey during this time was a celebration of sensuality, he
                  in his approach to art, with a strong emphasis on the female   juxtaposed the female nude with elements and images that
                  form as one of the pivotal themes of this period.              foregrounded the erotic element. His paintings exuded a                                        Husain with India’s former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and artist KK Hebbar

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